Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beauty School: Skin Functions

This is what EVERYONE (not just skincare professionals) should know about the skin.

This is the BASIC structure of our skin (shown above)

Skin is the largest organ in our body and one of the most complex. 

Our skin contains thousands of pores, little openings that allow sweat or sebum (oil) to pass through it's surface. A pore can contain a hair follicle (as shown above) that contains the root of a hair. Not all follicles contain hair. 

PROTECTION. The skin protects internal body tissues from toxins (chemicals, UV rays, environmental pollutants...etc) and acts like a barrier against harmful bacteria and extreme temperatures. 

ABSORPTION. Our skin absorbs up to 60% of product that is applied to it through the pores on the surface of the skin. Vitamins, acids, water, oxygen and other ingredients provide necessary moisture, nourishment, and protection. Just as the skin absorbs beneficial ingredients, it also absorbs harmful ones so think about what you're putting into your skin.

SECRETION. The skin secrets sebum (oil), which is a mixture of fatty substances that keeps the skin soft and supple. The natural oils in your skin work to prevent harmful bacteria from invading. 

EXCRETION. Toxins and other waste products are released through our sudoriferous (sweat) glands. Sweat is a combination of water, salt, and other chemicals that have built up inside the body. 

REGULATION. As you may know, the body maintains an internal temperature of around 98.6 degrees (Fahrenheit). Skin attempts to regulate your body's temperature by creating goosebumbs or shivering. When you have a fever, you'll typically notice night sweats or getting really hot, then really cold... this is your body trying to push out a virus and regulate its internal temperature. 

SENSATION. Our skin's surface contains many nerve endings that allow us to detect sensations like cold, heat, pain, pressure, and touch.

Sources [1] [2] [3]

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